Sunday, 3 September 2017

ARC: Invictus by Ryan Graudin

So, long time no post! Oops. I've been sort of absent from a lot of things but I'm back with a new ARC from NetGalley. This time I've read the time travel epic Invictus by Ryan Graudin.

Invictus is a book that I've been looking forward to for a little while now. Time travelling thieves? Sign me up! Unfortunately, the blurb didn't really summarise the story all that well for me. I'll admit, the book got better the closer to the end it got but it still wasn't what I'd hoped for.

What I Liked

Honestly, there was very little that I liked. I enjoyed that the book tried to stay close to history and I liked the idea of what the book was trying to do.

But once you get through the majority of the plot and get through to the final plan, the book does get more interesting. The twists and turns finally made me want to keep reading the book and the final what happens after part was fun too. Unfortunately the good stuff all came too little, too late and I still found myself just wanting to be done with the book.

What I Didn't Like

I'm sorry but I just found this book boring. It felt so slow and like it was just drudging along even when there was action. The characters couldn't even save it as most of the time I just didn't care about them or their relationships.

I think part of the problem there was the time skip. You go from Far agreeing to steal things to everyone on the ship with a load of missions behind them and all these feelings. You were introduced to Imogen and Priya beforehand but only heard Gram's name before so you don't get a hint into how this all happened. You're just dropped right into the middle of a story and not in a good way.

Funnily enough the ending of the book actually does everything the beginning should have so that's something to think about.

The Verdict

I'm actually really disappointed by this book. I was expecting something so awesome and instead I was bored and underwhelmed.

Yes, I enjoyed the ending somewhat so it wasn't all bad but it just took a long time to actually get to that point. There was solid plot there and it could have worked so well. It's just a shame that it didn't get the  chance to shine.

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